Many things in your daily life are slow killing your productivity, I call them "SLOW POISON"
Because what if you daily waste your 3hrs (movies, social media , talking with negative and fool people, roaming aimlessly or overthinking) which is 180mins in a day, mins in a month and mins in a year. And yes dont want to waste your precious time.
these 6 tips and for stopping procrastination and laziness will are my strategies to by which i stopped my laziness & procrastination and become productive.
1. clear vision
2. dead time
3. fearing conditions
4. act of habit
5. observation checklist
6. preparation
1. this main for o feeling lazy is lack of clarity in plans and schedule. you neither run nor walk with your closed eyes. its simple to understand this concept. but by the term clarity i just dont mean to make plans for your today and tomorrow, you'he to be super clear about your entire life. make planing for what things do you wanna own in future and at what time.
"the more you're clear the less you're complicated and doudtful"
take a pen and page and build this wall for yourself.
2. set a time limit to everything you're doing. YES, to EVRYTHING, things which you're going to do in your daily routine also.
pro tips- set the limit of the time less than it actually takes to complete your work.
quarantin your self -just switch off all distractions. anything that distracts you just run away from it.
3. fearing conditions-
fear is good?
yes, it is, see how.
make a predictionof inevitable things.things wich are definetly going to happen if you don't follow your plans. this is now you'll not only have clear vision for yourosuccess by being in discipline and following your plans but also have clarity for loosing success by being lazy and procastination.
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4. act of habit
after making such tough decisions for your betterment, its too difficult to carry them for long period. but my friend i have a good news for you, you have smart body with excellent abilty of adaptation. keep this in you mind you just have to work hard for 21 days to make things habit. it will vary according to your sencirity and accountibility.